You’ve heard him called “the One”—but you didn’t know his followers were singing hymns so him. Well, they are. Beliefnet blogger Michelle McGinty unearthed a YouTube video (linked here, although its red-faced creators seem to have pulled it) in which Obama-worshippers literally show themselves to be Obama-worshippers, rewriting the words of a Christian hymn to fit the secular Savior. The original words to the hymn “Sanctuary” go like this:

“Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for You.”

The singing Obamaniacs on the vid rejigger the words slightly to read like this:

“Love. prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for you.”

And the refrain is—what else?—”President Barack Obama.”

McGinty asks, why stop with one hymn? and offers suggestions for more: “A Mighty Fortress is our Barack?.” “The Solid Barack,” “A Barack that Stands Forever,” “All Hail the Power of Obama’s Name.”

And, of course, “Barack of Ages.”

And as Gateway Pundit points out, the Daily Kos has also converted to Barackstianity. A post titled, “What if Obama is the Second Coming of Jesus?” reads as follows:

“What if all of the religious nuts were bashing the second coming of their Christ and they didn’t even know it? Fathered by a Kenyan Muslim profit [sic] who left after his task was done. To seed a woman who in the heartland of America (a country who ‘is losing its way’). Then takes him on a journey of awaking across the world, then back home to spread the word of the lord through a process of education an then actions in the community.

The bible says ‘the lord shall come as a man whom blind followers will not see.’”

Well, I’ll believe it when a profit personally tells me it’s true.