I love watching the angry pro-choice feminists tie themselves into knots over Rep. Bart Stupak’s anti-abortion funding amendment to the House health bill.

Hear them roar!

Laurie Rubiner, vice president of policy for the Planned Parenthood Federation, said the tight restriction on public funding for abortions “has completely galvanized the reproductive health community and the women’s community.”

On Tuesday, Planned Parenthood summoned 80 progressive groups to plot strategy for keeping the anti-abortion amendment — named for sponsors Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) and Joseph Pitts (R-Pa.) — out of a final health care bill.

If that doesn’t work, Plan B is to rely on progressives in the House to vote against a bill containing the language. Forty-one House Democrats threatened to do just that in a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), according to a report by Washington Post blogger Greg Sargent.

“They passed health care reform for half the nation and partial health care reform for the rest of us,” said Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women. “We will oppose any health care bill that includes anything like Stupak/Pitts.”

Uh, there’s only one problem, ladies: The only way that bill got rammed through the House–just barely– in the first place was that Stupak and his 63 pro-life and centrist Dem buddies got that amendment in there, since Pelosi knows how to count to 220. As E.J. Dionne points out:

Democratic supporters of abortion rights need to accept that their House majority depends on a large cadre of anti-abortion colleagues. They can denounce that reality, or they can learn to live with it.

Just in case you were wondering, those 80 “progressive groups” include all the usual suspects, says Politico: the Service Employees International Union, MoveOn.org, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Human Rights Campaign and the Center for American Progress. Also NARAL-Pro-Choice America, the abortion industry’s own lobbying group. Politico adds:

Although abortion rights groups worked hard to give Democrats the majorities in the House and the Senate — not to mention the White House itself — they’re reluctant to call Pelosi’s decision a betrayal.

But just you wait–and then the real fun will begin.