How low can it go? The question is: How low can public approval of Democratic health-care reform go and still pass? So far, the Democrats in Congress appear absolutely impervious to public opinion. They want to make history; they see this as their last best chance to get government into more nooks and crannies of our lives.

John Fund has an excellent piece on the constantly falling poll numbers. The main hope for defeating the bill is that it is just so awful that perhaps some Democrats will come to their senses. Fund writes:

The Senate bill is so unwieldy that the health-care system it will create will almost certainly break apart and force us into Canadian-style care. As Rep. Anthony Weiner (D., N.Y.) said in a statement, the Medicare expansion “would perhaps get us on the path to a single payer model.” That grim prospect means there’s still a chance to defeat or reshape the health-reform effort.

But the falling poll numbers tell us anyone who tries to force a full health-care debate that pushes a vote past the holidays will not suffer politically. One reason the Democrats are frantic for a vote before Christmas is that they fear what will happen if senators have to go home and talk with constituents before voting.

 Yep, Democrats, don’t listen to your constituents. Listen to Harry and Nancy. You know they have your best interests at heart. Sure, Nancy has said she’s willing to lose a few seats to pass this. But here’s a tip: It might be yours, but it won’t be Nancy’s.