That’s what Pollster says. The exact figures in Pollster’s composite of recent polling results are: 38.8 percent in favor of Congress’s health monstrosity and 51.7 percent opposed.
And the latest poll, from Quinnipiac, shows even worse results for fans of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid: Only 38 percent in favor and 52 percent opposed.
The steady downward trajectory marks what Atlantic economics columnist Megan McArdle calls “the continued, slow collapse” of public confidence in Congress’s trillion-dollar proposal for the government to take over one-sixth of the economy. (And public confidence was never that high to begin with: maybe 49 percent at the time of President Obama’s inauguration and about 48 percent–a temporary spike–after Obama went on his healthcare television blitz in September.)
And lest you think any significant part of the public opposition comes, as the media assure us, from left-leaners’ belief that the “reforms” don’t go far enough in enabling a government health takeover (“Please, Mr. President, can’t we have socialized medicine like in the U.K.?”), McArdle points to this question asked of opponents by Public Policy Polling, a Democrat-favoring polling outfit:
Are you opposed because it gets government too involved in health care or because it would not involve government enough?
Too much government involvement: 90%
Not enough government involvement: 6%
Not sure: 4%
So–how low can the polls go before Congress gets the message? McArdle writes:
For reform advocates, this is not good news. At 40% approval, it ['reform'] probably passes. At 30% approval–what Social Security reform enjoyed by the time it imploded–it’s not going to no matter how the Senate massages their plan. Democrats cannot pass a bill this large on a straight party line vote if the only people in the country who want it are Democrats. Where is the line crossed between “probably will” and “probably won’t”? In September, a seasoned political reporter told me that the numbers could not go “much lower” before Democrats were forced to abandon the bill. Well, it’s lower–and the disapproval is spiking.
Still, as far as I can tell, the Democrats are blundering ahead–what the hay?. Perhaps Reid needs to take a look at another poll, this one from Mason-Dixon in Nevada, which finds him trailing his two leading likely GOP opponents in the 2010 election by 41 percent and 42 percent respectively.