A week from tomorrow we  go to the polls—voting offers us the chance to be heard, something we were denied last spring when Congress passed ObamaCare over the objections of a majority of the citizenry.

There are two excellent commentaries today on the upcoming midterms. Jeffrey Anderson of the Weekly Standard has a piece in the New York Post.  Anderson says that our lousy economy isn’t the motivating factor for voters:

Democrats wish it were about the economy. Polls show that voters still blame the downturn more on President George W. Bush than onPresident Obama or the Democratic Congress. Sure, the Democrats haven't turned the economy around, but things also haven't gotten markedly worse. How could they face historic losses over an economic situation that voters think they inherited more than they created?

The dominating issue? You guessed it:

Based on the Real Clear Politics averages for those polls, Democrats who voted against ObamaCare are now ahead in 10 of 15 races (leading by an average of 5.5 percentage points) while Democrats who voted for ObamaCare lead in just 9 of 33 races (losing by an average of 2.5 points).

Meanwhile, Dr. Martin Wolf, a physician (who also happens to be President Obama’s cousin), has an excellent rundown on the broken promises the president made to get this unpopular piece of legislation passed. Wolf writes more in sorrow than in anger, but he nevertheless does a fine job of summarizing why the President made a huge mistake to stake his presidency on this piece of legislation.