Independent Women’s Voice is sending a letter to Senators today, December 15, urging them to scrap the CROmnibus, the pending legislation that pours billions of dollars of funding into ObamaCare. We urge other concerned groups and individuals to send similar messages to their Senators.
Below is the text of the letter:
Dear Senator:
The American people made clear in last month’s elections that they want to repeal ObamaCare. All over the nation, incumbents who voted for the government takeover of health care were defeated by candidates who pledged to work to repeal it.
Yet the Democrats who continue to control the Lame Duck Congress have included funding to begin implementing ObamaCare in HR 3082, the Continuing Resolution, and that persists in the Omnibus.
That’s wrong.
Instead, we urge you to defeat the CR Omnibus, and replace it with a clean C.R. that does not include billions of dollars of funding for ObamaCare.
All over the country, ObamaCare was a major topic of conversation in campaigns for federal office. At IWV, we developed the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge to help illuminate that conversation by making clear to voters which candidates were truly committed to repealing ObamaCare, and which were just mouthing the words. Moreover, IWV engaged in no fewer than 19 Independent Expenditure campaigns to illuminate the contrast even more deeply.
We’re pleased to note that of the 29 House incumbents who took the IWV ObamaCare Repeal Pledge – a Pledge which includes, among other things, a promise to work to defund and deauthorize the individual component parts of ObamaCare – not a single one of them broke their promise during House consideration of the measure last week. They proved their integrity with their votes against funding ObamaCare, and we applaud them for it.
Now the action turns to the Senate, and we call on those who support repeal of ObamaCare to join with those who believe elections matter to work together to defeat the measure, or at least to strip out the provisions which fund ObamaCare before moving it to final passage.
It’s just not right for the Democrats who control the Lame Duck Congress to use their earlier failure to do their jobs to now sneak funding for ObamaCare into this last-minute catchall spending bill. The American people should be listened to.
Will you listen to the American people and do the right thing? Scrap the CR Omnibus, and replace it with a clean Continuing Resolution.