Washington, DC – Independent Women’s Voice CEO Heather Higgins today praised Wednesday’s House passage of HR2 — the measure to completely repeal ObamaCare — as an important first step down the road to full repeal of President Barack Obama’s unpopular new health care plan.

“House Republicans demonstrated their integrity by keeping their promise to begin repeal of ObamaCare, and we applaud them for it,” said Higgins. “But this vote was just the beginning of the fight to undo the bureaucratic leviathan signed into law last March and bring choice and control to Americas’ health care decisions.

“At IWV, we developed the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge to clearly identify which candidates and lawmakers were dedicated to doing more than just offer words,” Higgins continued.  “The Repeal Pledge lets voters know which Senators and Congressmen are committed to taking all necessary action to defund, deauthorize and repeal the bill.

“All 41 House members who signed the Repeal Pledge voted for HR2 on Wednesday.  We know that they are on board for the long haul.  I call on 204 Representatives who voted for repeal on Wednesday to take the next step and sign the Repeal Pledge to clearly show their constituents that they are committed to full and complete repeal of ObamaCare.

“While it is unfortunate that the media has chosen to focus its attention elsewhere, let us not forget the real mission here — to empower Americans with choice and control in their health care decisions,” noted Higgins.  “Health care decisions should be made between doctors and patients, without the intrusion of government bureaucrats.

“While we cheer the House passage of HR2, let us be mindful that the battle to bring choice and control to people’s health care decisions is just beginning — and we’re ready for the fight.”