Washington, D.C. — Independent Women’s Voice President and CEO Heather Higgins extended her thanks and appreciation to Congressman Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN) who today affirmed his commitment to repeal of ObamaCare by adding his name to IWV’s Repeal Pledge.

“We’re deeply appreciative of Rep. Roe for adding his name to the Repeal Pledge along with the 44 other members of Congress who have signed to demonstrate their commitment to defunding, deauthorizing and repealing ObamaCare,” said Higgins.  “He understands that we must undo this government takeover of our healthcare decisions and give choice and control back to the American people.

“Rep. Roe’s signature on the Repeal Pledge carries extra weight as a member of the medical profession, having practiced as an OB/GYN for 31 years following two years of service in the United States Army Medical Corps,” noted Higgins.  “Dr. Roe knows first hand that medical decisions should be made by patients and their doctors, without the intrusion of government bureaucrats.”

“IWV’s Repeal Pledge is different from other pledges as it commits the signers to not only voting for repeal, but also to taking all necessary steps to slow and stop the implementation of this harmful and vastly unpopular health care bill,” said IWV Policy Analyst Hadley Heath.

“In signing, Rep. Roe has demonstrated he is not only willing to talk the talk of repeal, but he is willing to walk the walk.  Independent Women’s Voice is thrilled to work with this distinguished and knowledgeable voice in the continuing fight to defund, deauthorize, and repeal ObamaCare.”

For more information on The Repeal Pledge, including a complete list of signers, please visit www.TheRepealPledge.com.