"If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." — President Barack Obama, August 11th, 2009
For the employees of one in eight small businesses in America, that statement from President Barack Obama about keeping your health plan if you like it like won't be true.
A new study from the National Federation of Independent Business, taken a year after the passage of ObamaCare, found that 12 percent of employer health insurance plans have been or will be eliminated. William J. Dennis, a research fellow at the NFIB, added that they are unaware of any data to suggest that turnover in employer-provided health insurance plans has ever been this high.
A major contributor to all of these changes in small business health insurance comes from health insurance providers eliminating plans they offered prior to the passage of ObamaCare. Under the weight of the mandates, restrictions, rules and regulations of this unwanted government take-over of private health care decisions, insurers have been compelled to eliminate certain plans, even if consumers were pleased with them.
The study also discovered that 20 percent of small businesses expected to significantly change their benefit packages when they renew their group health insurance plans.
That's even more people who, under ObamaCare, can't keep their health plan, no matter how much they like it.
The impact on small businesses of ObamaCare is just one of the many costs this unwanted, unpopular and unconstitutional government take-over of our health care decisions. We've highlighted a number of those costs in an easy-to-read and easy-to-share infographic — The Big Pill.
If you haven't seen the infographic yet, check it out here. And please share it with your friends and family, on Facebook and on Twitter. Let everyone know that the costs of ObamaCare are a big pill to swallow.