Elena Kagan cannot be an unbiased judge of ObamaCare.
Before Elena Kagan was nominated to the Supreme Court, she served as the nation's Solicitor General. In that capacity, she was the government's lead lawyer in cases before the Court.
Recently released emails show that, even before ObamaCare was passed and signed into law, Kagan directed her staff to become intimately involved in the process of crafting the legal defense for ObamaCare. The emails also showed that it was suggested that Kagan attend closed-door strategy meetings to hash out the administration's arguments in defense of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
And now Justice Kagan thinks it's appropriate to sit in judgment of the arguments she helped craft?
We have created a petition calling on Justice Kagan to recuse herself from the ObamaCare case. Preservation of the very integrity of the Supreme Court hangs in the balance. You can find the petition online at www.TellKagan.com.
Will you sign it today and share it with your friends and family? Every signature is another voice asking Justice Kagan to do what is right and appropriate.
Supreme Court Justices recusing themselves is not an uncommon occurrence. The standard holds that when a justice has participated as counsel in a case, then they cannot rule on it. And federal law requires that judges disqualify themselves from any proceedings when their impartiality might be questioned.
To say that Justice Kagan's impartiality might be questioned is a gross understatement.
Because of her role as Solicitor General, Justice Kagan recused herself from 29 of 82 cases the Court heard in her first term. Already she's recused herself from 69 of the cases the court is hearing in this current term, including the high-profile Arizona immigration law case.
And yet, Justice Kagan has not recused herself from ruling on the Constitutional challenges to ObamaCare.
Just this week, the Supreme Court denied a request for debate over whether Justice Kagan should recuse herself from the ObamaCare case. Justice Kagan continues to refuse to do the right thing and step down from sitting in judgment of a case in which she was intimately involved.
If Justice Kagan won't do the right thing of her own accord, then she needs to hear from the American people that we expect her to do the right thing and recuse herself.
Sign the petition to day at www.TellKagan.com.
It's clear that she can't be unbiased and it's clear that she can't be fair. Help us send a message loud and clear to Justice Elena Kagan — It's time to recuse yourself.