All of your calls, emails, tweets, and Facebook messages to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a difference!
Gov. Christie just announced that he has vetoed the bill that would have created an ObamaCare health insurance exchange in the state. And for that he deserves our thanks.
Please call, email, tweet, and Facebook Gov. Christie to thank him for taking this action to protect the residents of New Jersey from this provision of ObamaCare that would replace the state's insurance market with crony collusion between bureaucrats and insurance companies, and add a load of new taxes on to Garden State taxpayers, as well.
We should thank Gov. Christie for this veto, but we should also be mindful that he has indicated that if the Supreme Court upholds ObamaCare, he would move forward on implementing a ObamaCare exchange.
Remind Gov. Christie that he is under no obligation to create an exchange and implement that part of ObamaCare. According to CATO's Director of Health Policy Studies Michael Cannon:
Obamacare does not and cannot mandate that states create exchanges. Moreover, state-run exchanges do not preserve local control. They will do Washington's bidding, or else they will be commandeered or swept aside.
Remind him that not creating an exchange doesn't put a state out of compliance with the law.
Here's how to contact Gov. Christie:
Phone: 609-292-6000
Email: Click here to email Gov. Christie
Gov. Christie deserves our thanks right now. But, we need remember that we must continue to hold politicians accountable for protecting the American people from the harmful effects of ObamaCare.