Washington, DC – Following State Sen. Deb Fischer's upset victory in the Nebraska GOP senate primary, Independent Women's Voice President & CEO Heather Higgins released the following statement:
"Last week it was Richard Mourdock in Indiana. Today, it's Deb Fischer in Nebraska.
"In both cases these candidates took the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge. And in both cases, we at IWV communicated their signatures via paid advertising to make sure that voters in their respective states knew that they had signed the Pledge. And because of that, the voters in those states knew that they would, if elected, do everything in their power to see that this government take-over of our private health care decisions is fully repealed.
"In both states, the voters rewarded the candidates who signed the Pledge.
"Voters recognize that we must hold our political leaders accountable for their actions. This point is particularly poignant for the voters in Nebraska, home of the Sen. Ben Nelson and the Cornhusker Kickback.
"It was the power of the issue of ObamaCare that compelled Sen. Nelson into retirement. And it was the power of ObamaCare, and the commitment shown by signing the Repeal Pledge, that helped carry Deb Fischer to victory tonight.
"Other candidates around the country should take notice. We hope that they will read the tea leaves, see what has happened in Indiana and tonight in Nebraska, and sign the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge immediately."