(Washington, D.C.) — Following last night's primary elections in California, Iowa, New Jersey, and New Mexico, Independent Women's Voice President and CEO Heather R. Higgins released the following statement:
"On behalf of Independent Women's Voice, I want to congratulate the following signers of the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge who were victorious in their respective primary contests:
Doug LaMalfa (R-1)
Rep. Tom McClintock (R-4)
Brian Whelan (R-16)
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-49)
Rep. Steve King (R-4)
New Jersey:
Anna Little (R-6)
New Mexico:
Jeff Byrd (R-3)
"These individuals understood that voters are demanding more than just words. They want action. And the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge is a clear signal to voters that the signer is committed to taking the action that is necessary to fully repeal this government take-over of our private health care decisions.
"We've seen the Repeal Pledge play a significant role in previous contests. It was a factor in both the Indiana and Nebraska GOP Senate primaries, where insurgent Pledge signers Richard Mourdock and Deb Fischer defeated heavily-favored opposition who had declined to sign the Pledge. In fact, our post-election polling showed that in Nebraska, Deb Fischer's having signed the pledge mattered more to voters than Sarah Palin's endorsement of her.
"With that in mind, we heartily encourage every candidate in the upcoming primaries to sign the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge today."