(Washington, D.C.) — Following Mark Sanford’s victory tonight in South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District Special Election, Independent Women’s Voice (IWV) President and CEO Heather R. Higgins released the following statement:  

“On behalf of Independent Women’s Voice, I want to congratulate Mark Sanford on his victory this evening over Elizabeth Colbert Busch in the South Carolina 1st District Special Election.  

“Importantly, as Sanford is a signer of the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge, his victory moves us one step closer to full and complete repeal of the health care law.  That’s one step closer to averting the ObamaCare ‘train wreck,’ as it has been described by two prominent Democrat Senators — Max Baucus and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  

“Sanford’s victory marked a tremendous comeback against long odds.  He was out fundraised by Colbert Busch 3:2, and money poured into the race from the Democratic Party and from a number of PACs for his opponent.  Just a little more than a week ago, Sanford trailed in the polls by almost double digits.  

“Independent Women’s Voice was the only outside group supporting Sanford on a significant scale, by educating voters about the facts about the Democratic candidate.  

“In numerous elections since the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge was created, its power has been demonstrated when voters headed to the ballot box.  Our message testing in the SC-01 race showed that the most powerful message that had the largest impact on voters was that Elizabeth Colbert Busch had refused the opportunity to sign the Pledge.   v“Our messages to voters through TV ads, print advertising – including one ad done with local grassroots in The Post & Courier signed by over 200 women – GOTV calls, and non-advocacy factual quiz calls made clear the relevant facts in this race, with a significant emphasis on ObamaCare Repeal.  

“The reality of this race was clear: Only one candidate could be trusted to vote to repeal, defund, and deauthorize ObamaCare.  And that candidate was Mark Sanford.  

“Tonight is a demonstration of just how powerful the issue of ObamaCare repeal is with the American people.  And Mark Sanford’s victory helps to bring us that much closer to achieving the goal of full and complete repeal of this government take-over of our health care decisions."  
