Independent Women's Voice has signed the following coalition letter in support of defunding ObamaCare (VIEW PDF)

Dear Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor,

We the undersigned organizations and individuals urge House Republicans to include language fully defunding ObamaCare when they consider their upcoming legislation to fund the government for Fiscal Year 2014.

On October 1, 2013, open enrollment begins for ObamaCare’s massive new entitlements, including the new federally-subsidized exchanges and the Medicaid expansion. October 1st is also the beginning of the new fiscal year, meaning that Congress must pass a bill funding the government by that date to avoid a government shutdown. The excuses for not pulling out all the legislative stops to repeal ObamaCare are over. The Supreme Court failed to strike down the entire law when it had the opportunity, and the 2012 election, which focused little on ObamaCare, did not yield a new President or a new Senate majority.

Despite these setbacks, the ultimate “power of the purse” still resides in the House, and the House will soon act to fund the government. In doing so, the House should include language ensuring that no more taxpayer dollars can be used to implement ObamaCare. This funding prohibition should include all ObamaCare funding streams, both discretionary and mandatory, and it should eliminate funding for ObamaCare’s new entitlements. This will effectively halt implementation and enforcement of the law in its entirety, and will give the President and Senate Democrats a choice: Continue funding the government, or shut down the government on behalf of an unpopular law that they have admitted will not work and cannot be enforced as written.

ObamaCare interferes with the doctor-patient relationship. It continues to raise health insurance premiums and explode the national debt. And, even as our economy continues to struggle, the law’s new job-killing rules, regulations, and taxes will only continue to ratchet up as time goes on. The Obama Administration is pulling out all the stops – legal and illegal – to create a new constituency for this law and make it a permanent fixture on the American fabric. The best and last chance for House Republicans to stand up and thwart this law before its new entitlements kick in is during the upcoming funding debate, and the House should live up to the moment and pass a bill funding the government but denying any funding for ObamaCare.


Michael A. Needham CEO, Heritage Action for America

Chris Chocola, President, Club for Growth

Matt Kibbe, President and CEO, FreedomWorks

Tom McClusky, Senior Vice President, Family Research Council

Erick Erickson, Editor-in-Chief,

The Honorable Edwin Meese III, former Attorney General, President Ronald Reagan

The Honorable David McIntosh, former U.S. Representative, Indiana

Al Cardenas, Chairman, American Conservative Union

Grover Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform

Brent Bozell, Chairman, ForAmerica

Jenny Beth Martin, Co-Founder, Tea Party Patriots

Morton Blackwell, Chairman, The Weyrich Lunch

The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr., former Domestic Advisor, President Ronald Reagan.

Duane Parde, President and COO, National Taxpayers Union

The Honorable Jim Ryun, Chairman, Madison Project

Heather Higgins, President, Independent Women’s Forum

Phil Kerpen, President, American Commitment

David N. Bossie, President, Citizens United

Phyllis Schlafly, Founder and President, Eagle Forum

Jim Martin, Chairman, 60 Plus Association

The Honorable Alfred S. Regnery, former Publisher, The American Spectator

Penny Nance, President and CEO, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee

Ken Hoagland, Chairman, Restore America’s Voice

Colin Hanna, President, Let Freedom Ring

Nathan Paul Mehrens, President, Americans for Limited Government

Amy Kremer, Chairman, Tea Party Express

John Tate, President, Campaign For Liberty

David Williams, President, Taxpayer Protection Alliance

Chris Littleton, Ohio Rising

Bob Adams, Founder and President, Revive America USA

Brian C. Baker, President, Ending Spending

Gary Marx, Executive Director, Faith and Freedom Coalition

Mike Stenhouse, CEO, Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity

Myron Ebell, Director, Freedom Action

Beverly Gossage, Director, HSA Benefits Consulting

Susan Carleson, Chairman, CEO, and Treasurer, American Civil Rights Union

Christopher Malagisi, President, Young Conservatives Coalition

Tom Donelson, Chairman, Americas PAC

Lew Uhler, Founder and President, National Tax Limitation Committee

William L. Walton, Rappahannock Ventures LLC

Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness

Kristan Hawkins, President, Students for Life of America

Andresen Blom, Senior Strategist, Center for Civic Virtue

C. Preston Noell III, President, Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Dr. Juliette Madrigal-Dersch, President, American Association of Physicians and Surgeons

Ralph Benko, Contributor,

Gregory T. Angelo, Executive Director, Log Cabin Republicans

Ron Robinson, President, Young America’s Foundation

Betsy McCaughey, Chairman, Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths

Lee Beaman, Businessman, Nashville, TN

Robert K. Fischer, President, Fischer Furniture, Inc.