Today and tomorrow the Senate is considering the so-called "Paycheck Fairness" Act, which Democrats say will help women get "equal pay for equal work."
What Democrats won't tell you is that the bill won't advance "equal pay for women." Instead, it will lead to fewer paychecks and make it harder for employers to tie compensation to work quality, productivity, and experience. Check out this quick questionnaire about what the bill will and won't do. Bottom line, the bill will only benefit lawyers looking to line their pockets in lawsuits that won't help women.
Join the Independent Women’s Voice in thanking these Senators for continuing to stand up for women and ask them to vote "no" tomorrow on the "Paycheck Fairness" Act.
Alaska-Lisa Murkowski
Alabama- Jeff Sessions, Richard Shelby
Arkansas- John Boozman
Arizona- Jeff Flake, John McCain
Florida-Marco Rubio
Georgia- Saxby Chambliss, Johnny Isakson
Iowa- Chuck Grassley
Idaho- Mike Crapo, James Risch
Illinois- Mark Kirk
Indiana- Daniel Coats
Kansas- Jerry Moran, Pat Roberts
Kentucky- Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul
Louisiana- David Vitter
Maine- Susan Collins, Angus King
Missouri- Roy Blunt
Mississippi- Thad Cochran, Roger Wicker
North Carolina-Richard Burr
North Dakota- John Hoeven
Nebraska- Deb Fischer, Mike Johanns
New Hampshire- Kelly Ayotte
Nevada-Dean Heller
Ohio- Rob Portman
Oklahoma- Tom Coburn, James Inhofe
Pennsylvania- Patrick Toomey
South Carolina-Lindsey Graham, Tim Scott
South Dakota- John Thune
Tennessee- Lamar Alexander, Bob Corker
Texas- John Cornyn, Ted Cruz
Utah- Orrin Hatch, Mike Lee
Wisconsin- Ron Johnson
Wyoming- John Barasso, Michael Enzi
Any Senator who truly wants to help women should be focusing on encouraging job creation and that means voting against this "trial-lawyer protection act". Here's how you can make your voice heard. It's as easy as 1 – 2 – 3.
1. Call the switchboard at (202) 224-3121.
2. Ask to speak with Senator _____________'s office.
3. When you get someone on the phone say: “Hi my name is ____________ and I’m a constituent. I would like to urge Senator _______________ to vote against the Paycheck Fairness Act because it doesn't help women. It's not good for paychecks or for fairness."
Please forward this email to 5 of your friends and make sure they know that the "Paycheck Fairness" Act has nothing to do with Equal Pay.
IWV appreciates your help in this urgent matter.
Independent Women’s Voice is a 501 (c) (4) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization for mainstream women, men and families. IWV is an affiliate organization of the Independent Women’s Forum.