(Washington, D.C.) — Alex Mooney, GOP candidate in West Virginia's 2nd congressional district, has signed Independent Women’s Voice’s ObamaCare Repeal Pledge.

"Mr. Mooney's decision to take The Repeal Pledge shows voters that, when it comes to health care, he gets it – he understands that ObamaCare is a government infringement on our constitutional liberties, and he knows that it will lead to bigger government and less freedom, will place government bureaucrats between doctors and their patients, and will limit patients' choice and control," said Heather Higgins, President & CEO of Independent Women’s Voice. 

“While the President promised that if Americans liked their plan they could keep it, every day we see how ObamaCare is hurting Americans,” added Hadley Heath, health care policy analyst at Independent Women's Voice. “And it will only get worse.”

The Repeal Pledge advocates not just repeal, but defunding, deauthorizing, and dismantling the misleadingly-titled Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, enacted in early 2010.  The Repeal Pledge was designed as a litmus test to help the American public understand which candidates and office holders are serious about repeal, versus those who claim to be but won't actually take action.

Signers of the Repeal Pledge believe that this law cannot be "fixed" and that stopping its implementation and ultimately repealing it are necessary first steps to ensure that citizens and their doctors, not government bureaucrats, have choice and control over their health care, and that medical care in our country becomes more affordable and available.

For more information on The Repeal Pledge, including a complete list of signers, please visit TheRepealPledge.com

For interviews with Heather Higgins or other spokeswomen of Independent Women's Voice, please contact Victoria Coley at [email protected].

Independent Women's Voice is the creator of:

ObamaCare Repeal Pledge
No Washington Exemption
Real Life of Julia's Policy
Health Reform Questions
ObamaCare Timeout Petition

Independent Women’s Voice is a 501 (c) (4) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization for mainstream women, men and families.  IWV is an affiliate organization of the Independent Women’s Forum.