April 23, 2015

STATEMENT: FEC's Public Forum on Women in Politics Lacks Political Diversity


WASHINGTON D.C. – In reaction to the invitation by Ann M. Ravel, Federal Election Commission Chair, to a public forum on the challenges women face in the political arena, which will be held on May 12, Independent Women’s Voice released the following statement: 

“The Federal Election Commission was created in 1975 to enforce the laws that govern American elections. Holding a forum to discuss the broad topic of women in the political arena, while a worthy topic, seems outside of the scope of the FEC’s mandate. But it is particularly outrageous that in creating this event, they have stacked the panels with women with one ideological view. There is only one woman out of the ten who is recognizable as a Republican and seven who are recognizable advocates for Democrats and liberal causes. This kind of partisanship shouldn’t infect our supposedly neutral administrative agencies, particularly those charged with overseeing the very process of our democracy.

"Commissioner Ravel should take another crack at crafting this event with the goal of having actual balance and an honest dialogue about this topic. Or better yet, call it off and return the money that would have gone to support this partisan event to the Treasury to reduce our national debt." 



Independent Women's Voice is a 501(c)(4) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization for mainstream women, men and families dedicated to promoting limited government, free markets, and personal responsibility. IWV is an affiliate organization of the Independent Women's Forum.


Celia Meyer
Communications Associate | Independent Women's Voice
c 248.885.1878 | [email protected]