IWV has been proud to be in the forefront of the battle against a government takeover of health care. IWV works tirelessly to highlight the consequences of government-run health care: higher health care costs, more bureaucracy, higher premiums, higher taxes, fewer job opportunities, less access to care, and lower quality of care. We've also tried to raise awareness that there are other, better ways to reform the health care system: reforms that put power in the hands of the people, trust patients and doctors to make life-and- death health decisions, and use market forces to control costs and encourage efficiency.
Timely and Insightful Polling: IWV and its sister organization, IWF, do the necessary research to better understand women's perspectives on the health care issue.
Targeted Polling: In March 2010, to counter various national polls which claimed the American public liked the Left’s health care legislation, and which we believed were suspect, IWV conducted a targeted survey in 35 key U.S. Congressional Districts, which registered how deeply opposed constituents were to the proposed health care legislation when one didn’t just talk about benefits but also asked about the full cost, both financial and personal, of the legislation. Those surveys were hand-delivered to House members, enjoyed tremendous earned media coverage, and House members who received the research digested and began using the results immediately.
Phone Calls, Radio Ads, and Innovative Tele-Town Halls: IWV ran radio commercials in key Districts against Members who had voted for the House- passed bill, urging the public to call their Representatives and encourage them to vote against another health care bill. The weekend of the House vote on the health care bill, IWV conceived, arranged, and hosted 10 hours of an original way of doing tele-town hall meetings, featuring 15 Republican Members, including Whip Eric Cantor, GOP Conference Vice Chair Cathy McMorris Rogers, and Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price, covering 23 crucial districts, reaching more than 150,000 voters and leaving phone messages for an additional 200,000+.
Can't keep your health care plan? Received a cancellation letter? We know that ObamaCare is causing this happen to people all across America — your family, your friends, your co-workers, your employees. Maybe even you. That's why we launched MyCancellation.com.
HealthCare Leadership Awards
Repeal Pledge
Join with other citizens who care about the future of quality medical care, and the future of America. Sign the pledge.
Health Reform Questions
Test your Health Care Reform knowledge in five quick quizzes.
Real Life of Julia
Remember Julia? She just turned 26, and she has her own web design business. But her story is a little different now that ObamaCare is in effect. Check out the new storybook campaign – Real Life of Julia – illustrating the real-life consequences Julia faces under ObamaCare.
The battle over health care reform isn't over! IWV is dismayed that this terrible legislation that sacrifices so much of our individual freedom and gives so much power to Washington bureaucrats has now become law. Yet this is just one battle, not the war, over the future of our nation's health care system.