Independent Women’s Voice, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization for mainstream women, men and families, is proud to support H.R. 4725, the “Common Sense Savings Act of 2016,” introduced by Health Subcommittee Chairman Joseph Pitts (R-PA). This important legislation will do much to curb federal waste and spending, saving American taxpayers nearly $30 billion over the next ten years according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Specifically, H.R. 4725 would remove lottery jackpot winners from Medicaid, eliminate augmented Medicaid payments for the incarcerated, reform the Medicaid provider tax, return power over the State Children’s Health Insurance Program to the states, and would end the slush fund which gives the Department of Health & Human Services Secretary unchecked access to billions of taxpayer dollars for improvident projects which, in the past, has included pet neutering movements, park signs, and lobbying campaigns for higher taxes.
Conservatism is measured not by a purity of intentions, but actual outcomes. With its passage, this measure disposes of a slush fund and diminishes spending and would be an important achievement. To oppose this bill is to support an irresponsible slush fund and wasteful government spending.
Moreover, these reforms will better serve the American people by helping to preserve and sustain important programs that our most vulnerable citizens rely on. As Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) put it, “Commonsense reforms like moving million dollar jackpot winners off the taxpayer’s dime will help strengthen Medicaid for our most vulnerable folks. We need to get our fiscal house in order, and this effort is a responsible step in the right direction.”
This is why IWV urges members of the Energy & Commerce Committee and the full House of Representatives to support this important legislation.