Washington, D.C. – In a letter sent to House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton and Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman James Inhofe, leading conservative and free-market organizations – including Heather Higgins of Independent Women's Voice, Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, Tom Pyle of American Energy Alliance, and Brent Gardner of Americans for Prosperity — insist Congress take legislationve action on the Environmental Protection Agency's National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for Ozone and call for lawmakers to reform the regulatory process for ozone and other pollutants regulated under NAAQS. The coaltions says without any changes to the ozone regulation or rulemaking process, America will expereience extreme economic consequences.
60 Conservative Organizations to Congress:
Reform the EPA’s Ozone Standard to Save American Jobs
May 9, 2016
Dear House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Upton and Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Inhofe:
On behalf of the 60 organizations listed below and the millions of Americans represented, we urge you to take action on the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for Ozone and to reform the rulemaking process for ozone and other pollutants regulated under NAAQS. Without changes to the ozone regulation and reform of the rulemaking process, economic activity could be brought to a standstill in many areas across the country.
The ozone regulation has questionable benefits, but certain economic costs. Last year, when the EPA lowered the compliant level of ozone from 75 to 70 parts per billion (ppb), it estimated the regulation would cost $1.4 billion annually and admitted the cost of the regulation greatly outweighed the benefits of further ozone reductions. Previous cost estimates by the EPA ranged between $3.4 and $25 billion annually. The only way EPA could justify the regulation was to use questionable cobenefits. In reducing ozone, there may also be benefits from reductions of other pollutants, in this case particulate matter (PM). However, the EPA already has another set of regulations dealing exclusively with PM. Either the EPA has woefully inadequate standards for PM or it is effectively “double counting” the health benefits of PM reductions to justify the ozone regulation.
The EPA had to use questionable co-benefits to justify the regulation because of the tremendous reductions in ozone already achieved. Since 1980, ozone concentrations have fallen by 33%. In many areas across the county, ozone concentrations are nearing background levels – concentrations resulting from natural and nonlocal manmade sources. Before finalizing the current regulation, EPA was considering an ozone standard so strict Yellowstone National Park would have been noncompliant.
Many states are still working to implement the 2008 standard of 75 ppb. 177 counties, which contain just under one-third of the U.S. population, are designed as nonattainment areas under the 2008 standard. By making the ozone standard stricter, the EPA has made it significantly harder for these counties to be in compliance and ignores their hard work at meeting the prior standard.
The ozone regulation places a tremendous burden on communities 2 across America. The result of a nonattainment designation can be disastrous and bring economic activity to a halt. Local governments risk losing federal highway funds. Oil and gas operations, with the royalty and tax revenue they bring, may cease. Manufacturers may be forced to relocate or shut down, destroying jobs in the process.
Given the harmful economic effects, we ask that you consider measures to change the ozone standard and reform the rulemaking process. Currently, the Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2016 (H.R. 4775, S. 2882) is one such measure that achieves these objectives. The legislation would push back the attainment deadline for states and require economic feasibility to be considered. Additionally, it would bring much needed reform to the rulemaking process by changing the review period for pollutants under NAAQS from every 5 years to every 10.
Thank you for your consideration and work on this important issue.
Brent Gardner, Vice President of Government Affairs Americans for Prosperity
Amy Noone Frederick, President 60 Plus Association
Alex St. James, Chairman Emeritus African-American Republican Leadership Council (AARLC)
Dick Patten, President American Business Defense Council
Phil Kerpen, President American Commitment
George David Banks, Executive Vice President American Council for Capital Formation
Sean Noble, President American Encore
Tom Pyle, President American Energy Alliance
Coley Jackson, President Americans for Competitive Enterprise
Peter J. Thomas, Chairman Americans for Constitutional Liberty
Richard Manning, President Americans for Limited Government
Grover Norquist, President Americans for Tax Reform
Dan Weber, CEO Association of Mature American Citizens
Alex St. James, Executive Director Blacks Economic-Security Today Trust Fund (BEST Trust Fund)
Jeffrey Mazzella, President Center for Individual Freedom
Peter Nelson, Vice President and Senior Policy Fellow Center of the American Experiment (Minnesota)
Marita Noon, Executive Director Citizens' Alliance for Responsible Energy (CARE)
Col. Francis X. De Luca USMCR(Ret), President Civitas Institute
Matt Anderson, Policy Analyst Coalition for Self-Government in the West
Tom Brinkman Jr., Chairman Coalition Opposed to Additional Spending and Taxes (COAST)
Craig Rucker, Executive Director, Co-Founder Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
Myron Ebell, Director, Center for Energy and Environment Competitive Enterprise Institute
Tom Schatz, President Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
Craig Richardson, Executive Director Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal)
Marita Noon, Executive Director Energy Makes America Great
Dick Ribbentrop, Senior Vice President, Policy Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce
Wayne T. Brough, Ph.D., Chief Economist and VP for Research FreedomWorks
George Landrith, President Frontiers of Freedom
Mario H. Lopez, President Hispanic Leadership Fund
Wayne Hoffman, President Idaho Freedom Foundation
Amy Oliver Cooke, Executive Vice President and Director, Energy Policy Center Independence Institute
Carrie Lukas, Managing Director Independent Women's Forum
Heather Higgens, President and CEO Independent Women’s Voice
Andrew Langer, President Institute for Liberty
Sal J. Nuzzo, Vice President of Policy James Madison Institute (Florida)
Kory Swanson, President/CEO John Locke Foundation (North Carolina)
Dave Trabert, President Kansas Policy Institute
Seton Motley, President Less Government
Colin A. Hanna, President Let Freedom Ring
Connor Boyack, President Libertas Institute
Dee Hodges, President Maryland Taxpayers Association
Forest Thigpen, President Mississippi Center for Public Policy
Brent Mead, CEO Montana Policy Institute
Harry C. Alford, President/CEO National Black Chamber of Commerce
Amy Ridenour, Chairman National Center for Public Policy Research
Willes K. Lee, President National Federation of Republican Assemblies
Pete Sepp, President National Taxpayers Union
Kevin P. Kane, President Pelican Institute for Public Policy (Louisiana)
Mike Stenhouse, CEO Rhode Island Center for Freedom and Prosperity
Paul J. Gessing, President Rio Grande Foundation (New Mexico)
William Whipple III, President Secure America's Future Economy
David Williams, President Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Judson Phillips, Founder Tea Party Nation
John Colyandro, Executive Director Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute
Brooke Rollins, President Texas Public Policy Foundation
Joseph Bast, President and CEO The Heartland Institute
Daniel Garza, Executive Director The LIBRE Initiative
Matthew Gagnon, CEO The Maine Heritage Policy Center
Michael W. Thompson, Chairman and President Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy (Virginia)
Carl Bearden, Executive Director United for Missouri