If you live in Illinois, get ready to pay a lot more for health care coverage through ObamaCare next year.  From the Chicago Tribune:

On Monday, Illinois citizens were jolted by a piercing pain in the wallet as federal officials unveiled proposed Obamacare insurance premium rates for 2017. Insurers plan to dial up rates as much as a heart-stopping 45 percent for those who buy plans on the Obamacare marketplace when open enrollment starts Nov. 1.

That means thousands of people will scramble for affordable insurance … and won't find it.

At least Illinoisans can take solace in the fact that they're not alone.  High rate hikes are also expected in New Jersey, Michigan, Wisconsin, California, and Wyoming.  This comes against the backdrop of news that Aetna is now backing away from plans to participate in ObamaCare exchanges.

What a catastrophe.

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