IWV has joined with over 50 other conservative organizations in asking the Republicans in Congress to block a possible Congressional bailout of ObamaCare.  Here's part of the letter that we sent to Congressional leaders:

The Risk Corridor Program allows insurance companies to underwrite risky policies that they wouldn’t otherwise cover, putting taxpayers on the hook if the costs of a plan run higher than expected. This program has been overwhelmed by the magnitude of insurance company financial losses, leaving the budget-neutral program unable to provide all of the requested bailout money. Although current law prohibits the use of fiscal year 2016 appropriated funds to supplement the Risk Corridor Program, the Obama administration announced that it will seek to end the prohibition and open the risk corridor bailout spigot.

In classic fashion, the Obama administration has indicated intentions to work around Congress to get what it wants. In a Sept. 9 memorandum, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services said it is open to resolving baseless lawsuits filed by insurance companies seeking additional payments under the Risk Corridor Program. Through settlements, the administration could bypass Congress altogether and continue to misuse taxpayer dollars to pay for bailouts.

You deserve better than to have your tax dollars go toward bailouts for insurance companies.

Please help us stop these ObamaCare bailouts by calling your congressman and your senators today.  Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or go here to send them a message today, and ask them to stand up to the Obama administration and block the ObamaCare bailouts.