In case you needed another reminder why it is so critical that we repeal and replace ObamaCare when a new Congress and President are sworn in this coming January, here you go:
A new study obtained by the Washington Free Beacon shows premium increases under ObamaCare will actually be higher than the federal government’s projections.
ObamaCare premiums will increase by 27 percent next year, according to the center-right policy institute the American Action Forum. The Department of Health and Human Services announced last month that premiums would increase an average of 22 percent in 2017, with the health care law’s Silver plans rising to $296 per month. Premiums will increase as much as 145 percent in some states.
It's not hard to understand why ObamaCare was repudiated in the election last Tuesday. President Obama's signature piece of legislation has caused real harm to so many Americans, and created chaos in the health care market. It needs to be repealed and replaced with real, market-based reforms that make health care affordable for all Americans.
That must be a top priority of the Trump White House and the next Congress.
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