One of the key arguments for ObamaCare was that we needed to provide special protection and coverage for people with pre-existing conditions.

Those rules certainly sound nice. But what if they just didn't work?

My colleague Hadley Heath Manning explains it all in a new op/ed at The Hill:

As Republicans continue to debate the specifics of their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA or ObamaCare), two provisions have taken center stage: “Guaranteed Issue,” the requirement that insurers offer policies to all applicants, and “Community Rating,” the requirement that they offer all policies at the same price, regardless of risk factors like health, lifestyle, or even gender.

These rules were obviously designed to allow people with pre-existing conditions to purchase health coverage, and to equalize the premiums paid by everyone. But as nice as that sounds, the experience of different states shows that these rules don’t benefit many consumers and aren’t the best way to foster functional and fair insurance markets.

IWV's supplement to the Easy Guide to Health Care details how these regulations aren’t necessary and are actually one of the main reasons why the ACA hasn’t worked.

We hope that you find it useful when talking to your friends and family about why we must repeal and replace ObamaCare.