June 20, 2017
Lesson From GA-06:
Independent Women's Voice Congratulates ObamaCare Repeal Pledge Signer on Her Victory
WASHINGTON, DC – Independent Women’s Voice (IWV) President and CEO Heather R. Higgins released the following statement regarding Congresswoman-elect Karen Handel’s victory in tonight’s special election in Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District to succeed now HHS Secretary Tom Price:
“On behalf of Independent Women’s Voice, I want to congratulate Karen Handel on her victory over Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff. Handel just showed the nervous nellies in the U.S. Senate that signing a pledge to repeal and replace the ACA, and meaning it, outweighs $22.5 million in spending from an opposing candidate.
“Her victory moves us one step closer to repealing ObamaCare and creating a better healthcare system that lowers costs, provides better coverage and access, and puts patients back in control of their healthcare decisions. Health care was once again a driving—and winning—issue for the candidate committed to undoing ObamaCare’s damage. Now it’s time for Republicans in Washington to focus on making good on their promises, and repeal and replace ObamaCare one and for all.”
A June Atlanta Journal Constitution poll found that 81% of GA-06 likely voters surveyed identified health care to be a very important issue in deciding who to vote for, the highest of any issue included in the poll.
IWV and its c3 sister organization Independent Women’s Forum continue to inform the public on health care so that citizens can recognize for themselves how the current healthcare law is increasingly harmful, costly and counterproductive, and make more informed decisions on the issue of health care at the ballot box. IWV created the ObamaCare Repeal Pledge so that voters know which candidates can be trusted to vote to repeal, defund, and de-authorize ObamaCare. In this election, that candidate was Karen Handel.
For more information about the pledge please visit
For interviews with Heather Higgins or other Independent Women's Voice spokesmen, please contact [email protected].
Independent Women's Voice is a 501(c)(4) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization for mainstream women, men and families dedicated to promoting limited government, free markets, and personal responsibility.
Victoria Coley
VP of Communications
Independent Women's Voice
[email protected]