Yesterday, in Ohio, President Trump introduced America to some of the victims of ObamaCare.
Here's one of those stories:
Raya Mafazy Whalen and her husband, Michael, own a commercial playground-equipment company in Ohio and provided their 15 employees with health coverage before ObamaCare’s implementation.
When their plans ran afoul of the new law’s coverage requirements, they were forced to seek coverage on the new insurance exchanges, according to the White House. They said the coverage wasn’t affordable and wasn’t accepted by their preferred OB-GYN when Mrs. Whalen became pregnant with their first child.
We've documented many similar stories at The disaster of ObamaCare has harmed millions of Americans, and each one of these stories is another reason why it's critical that the Senate acts as soon as possible to repeal and replace ObamaCare.
The American Health Care Act will lower costs, ensure universal access, provide pre-existing condition protections, allow for greater choice, and put patients in control of their health care decisions.
Please call the Senate switchboard now at 202-224-3121 and tell your Senators that now is the time to act, repeal ObamaCare, and pass the American Health Care Act.