July 18, 2017
Independent Women’s Voice Statement on ObamaCare Repeal
WASHINGTON, DC – Independent Women’s Voice (IWV) Policy Director Hadley Heath Manning released the following statement on healthcare repeal and replace efforts:
“Lawmakers need to take action to help Americans who are being hurt by ObamaCare. The status quo isn’t an option.
“President Trump has a great opportunity to lead on this issue and deliver to his supporters what they thought was meant by repeal – a better policy with more personal choice and lower costs. To get this done, first he should announce immediately that he is undoing the special exemption and subsidies for Congress. Congress will no longer have a sweetheart deal and thus will be more inclined to pass a health bill that benefits all who live under it, include themselves.
"We know what the right health reforms are:
• Allow every consumer to buy the insurance plan that's right for him or her, rather than limiting options to one-size-fits-all plans.
• Foster greater competition in insurance markets, rather than creating monopolies in large swaths of the country.
• And, lower the costs for families and patients, and provide closer, more direct relationships to doctors and other healthcare providers, without government acting as a middleman.
“While lawmakers have grappled with how to do this, what elements to leave, remove, reform, or replace, the debate about our healthcare laws has become needlessly complicated.
“The right reforms are clear: the right reforms require repealing ObamaCare and developing a healthcare system that allows for greater choice, competition, affordability and quality in our care, and focuses government’s support on those who most need it."
Independent Women's Voice is a 501(c)(4) nonpartisan, nonprofit organization for mainstream women, men and families dedicated to promoting limited government, free markets, and personal responsibility.
Victoria Coley
VP, Communications
Independent Women's Voice
[email protected]