Why should Americans suffer when Congress doesn't?
Congress is essentially unaffected by the high costs of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchanges because of a special exemption.
If President Trump is sincere about wanting a serious effort at repeal and reform of health care, he must tell Congress that he will be ending their special exemption, and that the ACA will apply to Congress and all their staff the same as it does to all other Americans on the exchanges, as the law intended.
It's about fairness, not politics.
Click here to tell President Trump to level the playing field – End the special ACA exemption for Congress and the double standard they have set for the rest of Americans' health care!
Nothing would create a greater incentive than personal skin in the game to genuine healthcare reform that will actually:
· lower costs
· offer more choices
· have universal coverage – coverage for all people with pre-existing conditions
· put patients back in control of their healthcare decisions
· and deliver the real reforms that voters expected to see when they voted in this President and Congress
It's about fairness, not politics.
Congress shouldn't be exempt from their own laws.