Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Best Gift Washington Can Give Women This Holiday
Tax Reform Promises to Provide Women with Better Opportunities and Greater Economic Security

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Independent Women’s Voice Senior Policy Analyst Patrice Onwuka issued the statement below after party leaders in the House and Senate reached agreement on a final bill to cut taxes:

"We applaud the Senate and House conference committee for coming to an agreement to deliver tax relief to American families and businesses.

"We are pleased that the negotiated agreement appears to benefit low- and middle-income families by allowing workers to keep more of their hard-earned money, to encourage small and large companies to reinvest in their people through more hiring and higher wages, and to end the unpopular individual health insurance mandate which simply taxes poor Americans.

"Our economy is finally showing strength again. Tax reform promises to step on the gas of economic growth, and provide women and families with better opportunities and greater economic security.

"We look forward to seeing details of the final compromise bill and hope that Congress and President Trump can sign it into law by Christmas."



Independent Women's Voice fights for women and families by effectively expanding support for policy solutions and political campaigns that aren’t just well intended, but actually enhance people’s freedom, choices, and opportunities. ?


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Victoria Coley
VP, Communications
Independent Women’s Voice




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