It's become commonplace to hear American women peddling the victimization narrative, complaining about how "hard" or "unfair" it is to be a woman. In the United States, a country with every possible opportunity one could imagine, those on the Left seem stuck in a woman-as-victim mentality that fashions women as constant victims of sexism and violence. 

Since the uncorroborated accusations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh came and went, some have ramped up this message — saying they feel constantly at risk or unsafe. 

At the same time, many Americans expressed concern for their sons, brothers, fathers and husbands of being falsely accused of something horrific. Though due process and the presumption of innocence prevailed for Kavanaugh, those opposed to Kavanaugh came very close to derailing his confirmation and ruining a man's life with zero evidence or corroboration. The fears for men at this particular time make sense.

But progressives who seem to care little about due process found these fears laughable. One woman wrote a song poking fun at such fears and lamenting the difficulties of being a woman. She complains about things like needing a chaperone to go to a bar, not being able to wear a miniskirt or open her windows at night. The song makes fun of men for being fearful of interactions with women and insults the entire male gender for simply wanting fairness when they are accused of something as serious as rape. The song went viral — and singer Lynzy Lab was invited to be on the Jimmy Kimmel Show and uproariously praised by progressive women's websites everywhere.

But, not everyone was cheering it on — and one woman created a response worth watching. Kylee Zempel, wrote another tune, countering Lab's message with lyrics about women's empowerment, inspiration and thinking independently. While those on the Left expect all women to bow down in praise to a song like Lynzy Lab's, there are women all across the country who don't "fear the patriarchy," and don't feel the need to denigrate men. It's worth watching: 

P.S. We'll be interviewing Kylee on Facebook Live this Friday at 10amET. Join us!