The Hollywood set started the new year thinking they had the perfect plan. After years of watching the ratings crater for their self-congratulatory award shows, they were probably sure this year would be different.

The Golden Globes was supposed to be the reset. In the weeks leading up to their love-fest for themselves this past Sunday, their hosts did interviews pledging there would be no politics. In other words, they wouldn’t be bashing President Trump, and his supporters, every minute.

It should be evident you’re in trouble when promising your customers you won’t beat them up again.

These entreaties were a clear indication that the collapse of viewership for the Golden Globes, the Oscars, and the Emmys, was finally having an effect. Their pledge to stop insulting us was supposed to be enough.

It wasn’t.

Despite having the huge lead-in of an NFL wildcard playoff game, the viewership was, as Entertainment Weekly put it, “the smallest audience for the show in three years.” This means people had to deliberately change the channel when the program switched from football to actors and their entourages sitting at tables, getting drunk waiting to be lauded for how wonderful they are.

Gee, what a surprise.

Trying to put a spin on their failure, NBC, which aired the program, explained that, yes, the ratings were down again, but not as bad as all the other ratings for other award shows had been. Entertainment Weekly helped with the spin, “NBC points out, most other award shows have been down to a far greater degree lately — the Academy Awards were down 19 percent last year, the Grammys were down 24 percent, Emmys down 10 percent, CMAs down 29 percent, and the American Music Awards were down 28 percent,” they cheered.

Yet, “This isn’t to say the Globes numbers are good — the show has been declining in recent years, so this [is] part of an unfortunate trend. But it’s also not the disaster that the “lowest in years” top bullet point tends to suggest,” insisted the entertainment magazine.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

As Americans continue to tune out watching the worst among us, there was a genuine first for an awards show at the Golden Globes. Since the 2016 presidential campaign and in the years since, hosts did not mention Mr. Trump. But others did in receiving their awards.

Despite the valiant effort of the producers to mislead us into thinking that they weren’t still the place that allowed the corrupt like Harvey Weinstein to operate with impunity, reprobate attitudes still snuck through.

Actor Christian Bale’s award acceptance speech disabused those who had the notion that Hollywood had any respect for the American people. In a now-infamous screed, Mr. Bale thanked Satan for helping him with his portrayal of former Vice President Dick Cheney in the film “Vice.”

The Wrap reported, “Christian Bale gave a shoutout to the devil for inspiring him to play former Vice President Dick Cheney in ‘Vice’ during his acceptance speech at the Golden Globes on Sunday night. ‘Thank you to Satan for giving me inspiration on how to play this role,’ Bale said, which received modest laughs from the crowd.”

There was an immediate reaction on social media including from Mr. Cheney’s daughter, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney.

” ‘Satan probably inspired him to do this, too,’ she captioned a report detailing the allegations that were brought against Bale by his mother and sister following an incident at a London Hotel. Bale was accused of ‘lashing out’ at his family members, according to BBC News. However, he denied the allegations at the time and was never charged due to ‘insufficient evidence,’ ” Time magazine reported.

A later report indicated that his mother went to the police because she felt the actor needed “help” and that he has not spoken to his mother or sister since the 2008 incident.

Not exactly the sort of man who should be passing judgment on anyone else.

Hypocritically, while promoting “Vice,” Mr. Bale struck a very different tone about the former vice president. Fox News reported, “Before Bale’s Golden Globe speech, he praised Cheney, telling Fox News in December of the former veep, ‘He was a wonderful family man — he’s a great dad, he’s an avid reader, he has a brain like a vice and he constantly reads history. He was very laid-back. He would have been very happy to be a lineman in Wyoming if he hadn’t met Lynne. …”

The few men in Hollywood who have been exposed as predators do not solve Hollywood’s problem and pointing accusatory fingers at everyone else in order to deflect from your own fundamental failure is the core of the entertainment industry’s problem.

As normals, we can continue to make a statement of rejection of that industry by choosing to not participate. For years now, our disgust with that industry has become clear through the continuing ratings disasters.

We actually can look forward to these award shows because it’s another opportunity to not watch, sending another message that enough is enough.