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Monday, April 15th 2019
Dear Members of Congress:
On behalf of our organizations and the millions of American individuals, families, and business owners they represent, we urge you to focus on comprehensive reforms to prioritize, streamline and innovate the financing and regulation of our nation’s infrastructure projects rather than considering any increases to the federal gas tax.
As part of any potential infrastructure package, Congress has an opportunity this year to institute major reforms to our federal funding and regulatory systems. Reforms are badly needed to improve outcomes, target spending toward critical projects, and streamline much needed maintenance and construction projects. The goal this year should be a more modern and efficient national infrastructure system that will allow people and goods to move where they need to both safely and economically, contributing to an effective and well-functioning system of free enterprise.
A 25-cent per gallon increase in the federal gas tax, a current proposal from some on and off Capitol Hill, would more than double the current rate and would amount to an estimated $394 billion tax increase over the next ten years.
Before asking Americans for more of their hard earned money at the gas pump, lawmakers must consider how federal gas tax dollars are currently mishandled. More than 28 percent of funds from the Highway Trust Fund are currently diverted away from roads and bridges. Still more taxpayer dollars are wasted on inflated costs due to outdated regulatory burdens, a complex and sluggish permitting system, and overly restrictive labor requirements.
These reforms can be achieved by focusing on three core outcomes: 1) spending smarter on projects of true national priority, 2) reforming outdated and costly regulations, and 3) protecting Americans from new or increased tax burdens.
We urge lawmakers to reject calls to simply throw more money into a broken funding system. Now is the time to take serious steps toward modernizing our nation’s infrastructure by eliminating unnecessary spending, reducing government overreach and unleashing untapped private sector investment. Our organizations stand ready to work with lawmakers who will fight for these important reforms to deliver better results to the American people without asking them to pay more.
Thank you for your consideration.
Americans for Prosperity
ALEC Action
American Business Defense Council
American Commitment
American Consumer Institute, Center for Citizen Research
American Energy Alliance
Americans for Limited Government
Campaign for Liberty
Center for a Free Economy
Center for Freedom and Prosperity Club for Growth
Center for Individual Freedom
Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Consumer Actions for a Strong Economy
Eagle Forum
Energy & Environment Legal Institute
Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce
Idaho Freedom Foundation
Independent Women’s Forum
Independent Women’s Voice
Institute for Liberty
Heritage Action for America
James Madison Institute
Jefferson Review
LIBRE Initiative
The Louisville Tea Party
Mississippi Center for Public Policy
National Center for Public Policy Research
National Taxpayers Union
R Street Institute
Rio Grande Foundation
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Tea Party Patriots Action
Texas Public Policy Foundation