WASHINGTON, D.C. — On the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, Independent Women’s Voice (IWV) celebrates the progress women have made in politics, in education, the workplace, and at home since suffragist women won the right to vote. 

We have certainly come a long way. This is a day to celebrate.

“This is an extraordinarily important day in our history as women in America, as we celebrate when women won the right to vote after a decades-long fight, said Heather Higgins, CEO of IWV and a member of the Centennial Suffrage Commission. “The suffragists of 1919 would be proud to see the progress women have made during the past 100 years. With millions of women involved in local, state, and national politics, women are more politically active as voters, candidates, and advocates than ever before.”

IWV recognizes the debt we owe to the early leaders of the women’s movement, who stood up for freedom and equal opportunities for women. Continuing the incredible progress of the suffragists, IWV celebrates women’s accomplishments and we work every day to expand women’s options and opportunities.

Tammy Bruce, president of IWV, added, “Despite the predominant media narrative that women are still underdogs, we are better off than ever before. Women hold more jobs than men in the U.S. workforce, women make up 56 percent of college students, and women’s wages are growing faster than wages of men. Women have made significant progress in the last 100 years, and we look forward to seeing how much the next generation of women can accomplish in the next 100 years.”

Independent Women’s Forum, IWV’s c3 sister organization, released the commemorative book, The Women Who Won the Vote, featuring a foreword by Ambassador Nikki R. Haley. The book, published by IWF Press, tells the story of 12 courageous suffragist women who contributed to the passage of the 19th Amendment. 

The Women Who Won the Vote is available for digital download: https://www.iwf.org/the-women-who-won-the-vote.
