May 13, 2021
Dear Members of Congress,
Independent Women’s Voice, the leading national women’s organization dedicated to expanding support for common sense public policies among women, independents, millennials, and GenZ, is proud to support Representative Dan Bishop’s bill, H.R. 3134, to ban the use of Critical Race Theory in the military.
As the Combatting Racist Training in the Military Act of 2021 notes, “the mission of the United States Armed Forces is to ‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic’ and ‘bear true faith and allegiance to the same’.” Racist teachings, including Critical Race Theory and its offshoots, undermine that mission by teaching our servicemen and women to reject our country’s founding principles and to view each other, not as individuals or as Americans, but as members of either an oppressor or victim class based solely on skin color.
We agree with Rep. Bishop that the “United States’ commitment to the equal dignity and natural rights of all mankind is the strongest possible defense against racism and oppression of all kinds.” The primary job of the military is to defend us against our enemies. It should not divide our servicemen and women along racial lines or otherwise undermine their common purpose.
Teaching Americans who have volunteered to serve their country that the United States of America is inherently racist undermines military cohesion and morale and must stop.
We thank Representative Bishop for his leadership on this issue and urge you to join him in his efforts to prevent the use of federal dollars for the teaching of Critical Race Theory in the United States military.
Hadley Heath Manning
Director of Policy
Independent Women’s Voice