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Dear Madam Chairman and Senator Wicker,

We represent fiscal conservatives, free market advocates, and millions of American taxpayers across the
country who oppose the nomination of Gigi Sohn to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Her initial
nomination was allowed to expire at the end of December 2021 for good reason: her ethics and personal
biases. Under her leadership, America’s communications would undoubtedly be subject to censorship and
decisions which threaten the basic principles of the American free press.

Sohn has repeatedly called on the shuttering of conservative networks, going as far as calling Fox News,
“state-sponsored propaganda.” Then as the New York Post faced suspension for their reporting on Hunter
Biden, she publicly claimed, “anti-conservative bias on online platforms … is a bunch of BS.” This is not how
our nation’s top regulatory officials should conduct themselves.

The FCC is supposed to be an independent agency of the U.S. federal government, and Sohn’s repeated public
remarks demonstrate she is anything but neutral.

We agree with your concern regarding Sohn’s involvement with Locast streaming services, and the possibility
of her future financial liability to several companies regulated by the FCC. Even the National Association of
Broadcasters publicly noted, “the ethics agreement that Ms. Sohn submitted to the Senate currently does not
adequately address the inherent conflict presented by her recent leadership position at Locast and her
potential role as an FCC commissioner.”

What’s more concerning is that even after you – and others – raised issue with Sohn’s potential conflict, she
still proceeded with a sweetheart settlement involving the very broadcasters she would regulate if approved.
This is proving a pattern of questionable ethics and decision-making.

The FCC is the enforcer of American media and allowing someone with extreme public biases and conflicts of
interest to oversee this vital agency is a threat to our country’s basic principles of freedom. Americans deserve

We strongly urge you to reject Sohn’s nomination to the FCC and hold our regulators to the highest standard.


Center for a Free Economy
Americans for Tax Reform
60 Plus Association
American Commitment
Center for Individual Freedom
Citizen Outreach
Conservatives for Property Rights
Consumer Action for a Strong Economy
Institute for Liberty
Less Government
Market Institute
Independent Women’s Voice
Eagle Forum
Affiliations listed for identification purposes only.