Fifty years ago, Title IX ushered in an era of unprecedented educational opportunity for women and girls. Last month, the Biden administration took steps to undo that progress. 

By redefining ‘sex’ to mean ‘gender’ and ‘gender identity,’ the administration is requiring schools to open up women’s sports to any male who identifies as a woman. This takes valuable opportunities away from female athletes.

But the administration’s proposed rules affect much more than sports. 

The rules also require schools to allow biological males to share dorm rooms with female students, use women’s locker rooms, and rush women’s sororities — all without female consent.

In addition, the new rules:

  • subvert the rights of parents;
  • expand the definition of sexual harassment to include ‘offensive’ speech protected by the First Amendment; and 
  • eliminate due process protections for those accused of sexual harassment.

It’s time to take back Title IX.

Take 2 minutes to send your comment through our easy-to-submit form and urge the Biden administration to rescind the proposed Title IX rules and protect women’s spaces, parental rights, free speech, and due process of law.