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June 13, 2023
Washington, DC

Conservatives call on Congress to include language in the FY 2024 appropriations bills that prohibits the use of any federal dollars, personnel, or resources from being used to implement Executive Order 14019, or for any purposes related to programs, activities, and projects pursuant to that Executive Order.

On March 7, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order 14019 which directed all federal agencies to develop a ‘voter registration’ and ‘voter education’ plan, using federal personnel, federal tax dollars and other federal agency resources for these political campaign activities.

The origin of the Executive Order to use the vast resources of the federal government for voter registration and voter education and turnout was not Congress; rather, the idea for the Executive Order originated with Demos, a leftwing organization, and was subsequently embraced by numerous leftist groups. Every federal agency was directed to submit to the White House Office of Domestic Policy a plan for compliance with the Executive Order, which were due on September 23, 2021.

Since issuance of the Executive Order, the Biden Administration has refused to provide any of the agency plans to Congress or to any citizens organization or media outlets seeking copies of the plans. Despite multiple letters to President Biden signed by Republican members of Congress, demanding copies of the agencies’ plans and requesting information about the use of federal dollars for campaign activities, no information has been provided to any member of Congress or the general public. Notwithstanding the refusal of the Biden Administration to disclose any information about the implementation of the Executive Order, federal agencies appear to be utilizing federal resources for political campaign activities.

Congress should stop the funding of the illegal use of taxpayer dollars for political campaign activities, including but not limited to the White House’s distribution of federal grants to unknown nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) approved solely by the partisan political operatives in the Biden White House.

The use of federal tax dollars to fund political activities by federal agencies and grants to undisclosed, partisan leftist organizations engaged in political campaign activities is unconstitutional, illegal, and must be stopped. Congress must exercise the power of the purse to ensure that federal agencies engage solely in their statutory missions as directed by Congress and that the ultra vires activities dictated by the unlawful Executive Order 14019 must not be allowed to continue.

The Honorable Edwin Meese III
Attorney General
President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell
Chairman, Conservative Action Project
Chairman, CNP Action, Inc.
Cleta Mitchell, Esq.
Senior Legal Fellow
Conservative Partnership Institute
The Honorable Paul S. Teller, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Advancing American Freedom
Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action
The Honorable Bob McEwen
U.S. House of Representatives
Former Member, Ohio
David N. Bossie
Citizens United
Kelly J. Shackelford, Esq.
President and CEO
First Liberty Institute
Mike Berry
General Counsel and Director of External Affairs
First Liberty Institute
Myron Ebell
Director, Center for Energy and Environment
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Lori Roman
ACRU Action Fund
Ed Corrigan
Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project
President & CEO, Conservative Partnership Institute
Wesley Denton
Chief Operating Officer
Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI)
William L. Walton
The Bill Walton Show
Resolute Protector Foundation
The Honorable Russ Vought
Office of Management and Budget (2020-2021)
Rebecca Weber
Chief Executive Officer
Chad Connelly
Founder and President
Faith Wins
The Honorable David McIntosh
Club for Growth
Jenny Beth Martin
Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund
Star Parker
Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)
Marty Dannenfelser
Vice President for Government Relations and Coalitions
Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE)
The Honorable Mac Warner
Secretary of State
West Virginia
Heather R. Higgins
Independent Women’s Voice
Carrie Lukas
Independent Women’s Forum
Ron Pearson
Executive Director
Conservative Victory Fund
Steven J. Buri
Discovery Institute
Judson Phillips
Tea Party Nation
Seton Motley
Less Government
Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation
Don Woodsmall
Arromid, LLC
The Honorable Louis F. Terhar
Ohio State Senator (ret.)
Anne Schlafly Cori
Eagle Forum
Randy M. Long
Long Business Advisors, LLC
Saulius “Saul” Anuzis
60 Plus Association
James L. Martin
60 Plus Association
Melvin Adams
Noah Webster Educational Foundation
Elaine Donnelly
Center for Military Readiness
Brigitte Gabriel
Chairman and CEO
ACT For America
Kimberly Fletcher
Moms For America
Melissa Ortiz
Senior Advisor, Able Americans
National Center for Public Policy Research
Eunie Smith
President Emeritus
Eagle Forum
Sean Noble
American Encore
Raymond J. LaJeunesse, Jr.
Legal Directo Emeritus
National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
Kay R. Daly
Coalition for a Fair Judiciary
Alan Sears
Alliance Defending Freedom
The Honorable James C. Miller III
President Reagan’s Budget Director (1985-1988)
The Honorable Gary L. Bauer
American Values
Lee Beaman
Beaman Ventures
Jay Mount
MDS Communications Corporation
Robert K. Fischer
Conservatives of Faith
Meeting Coordinator
Dr. Robert W. Malone
President and Co-Founder
The Malone Institute
The Honorable Jake Hoffman
Senator, Arizona Senate (District 15)
Chairman, Arizona Freedom Caucus
The Honorable George K. Rasley Jr.
Managing Editor
The Honorable Cory McGarr
Member (District 17)
Arizona House of Representatives
Gary Marx
CNP Action
Michael Lunsford
Executive Director
Citizens for a New Louisiana
Art Ally
Timothy Partners, Ltd. (Timothy Plan)
C. Preston Noell III
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.
The Honorable Austin Smith
Member (District 29)
Arizona House of Representatives
Bishop E.W. Jackson
STAND Foundation, Inc.
The Honorable Joseph Chaplik
Member (District 23)
Arizona House of Representatives
Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.
Founder and CEO
Mario Navarro da Costa
Director, Washington Bureau
Tradition, Family, Property
Willes K. Lee
NRA Board of Directors
National Rifle Association of America
The Honorable Barbara Parker
Member (District 10)
Arizona House of Representatives
The Honorable Jacqueline Parker
Member (District 16)
Arizona House of Representatives
Kevin Freeman
NSIC Institute
Kristen A. Ullman
Eagle Forum
William W. Pascoe, III
Our Man in Washington
Tea Party Patriots Action
Paul Gessing
Rio Grande Foundation
Tim Throckmorton
Lifepointe Ministry
Mark Fitzgibbons
President of Corporate Affairs
American Target Advertising
Allen Hebert
American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston
Frank Pavone
National Director
Priests for Life
Dr. Rick Rounsavelle
Gerard Kassar
State Chairman
NYS Conservative Party
The Honorable Peter J. Thomas
The Conservative Caucus
Jack Park
Conservative Activist and Donor
The Honorable Charles J. Cooper
Assistant Attorney General, President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988)
Cooper & Kirk PLLC
Joan Holt Lindsey
Lindsey Communications
Ralph A. Rebandt, II
Michigan Lighthouse Ministries
The Honorable Justine Wadsack
Member (District 17)
Arizona State Senate
The Honorable Mike Hill
Former Member
Florida House of Representatives
Craig Shirley
Reagan Biographer and Presidential Historian
Penna Dexter
Point of View Radio
Dr. Allen Unruh
National Abstinence Clearinghouse
Leslee Unruh
Alpha Center
Tom DeWeese
American Policy Center
Christian Adams
Public Interest Legal Foundatiom
The Honorable Ron Armstrong
Stand Up Michigan
Ned Jones
Deputy Director
Election Integrity Network
Ben Case
Patricia Hurst 

All organizations listed for IDENTIFICATION purposes only.