OKLAHOMA CITY, OK – Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt will lead the nation as the first governor to issue the Women’s Bill of Rights (WBOR) by Executive Order, boldly standing with women — fortifying into law sex-based words like ‘female,’ ‘woman,’ and ‘mother’ and protecting women-only spaces. Independent Women’s Voice, the group that developed the model legislation that inspired the Women’s Bill of Rights Executive Order, will join Governor Stitt for the ceremonial signing.

WHO: Governor Kevin Stitt and representatives from Independent Women’s Voice

  • Somerlyn Cothran, certified Oklahoma woman business owner and senior vice president of investor relations at Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Voice
  • Riley Gaines, advisor for Independent Women’s Voice and 12x All-American swimmer, attended the signing of Governor Stitt’s executive order

WHAT: Women’s Bill of Rights Executive Order

WHEN: Tuesday, August 1, 2023, 10:00 am CT

WHY: The Women’s Bill of Rights helps to preserve single-sex spaces that are important for safety, privacy, or equal opportunity, such as rape crisis centers, domestic violence shelters, athletic teams, locker rooms, and sororities – and protects the integrity of vital statistics collected by the state for purposes of law enforcement, complying with anti-discrimination laws, public health, etc.

RSVP: [email protected] 

Independent Women’s Voice fights for women by expanding support for policy solutions that aren’t just well intended, but actually enhance freedom, opportunities, and well-being.