CHARLESTON, WV — On Wednesday, April 24, Independent Women’s Voice (IWV) Ambassador Riley Gaines will join West Virginia Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Patrick Morrisey for a press conference and ceremonial signing of Independent Women’s Voice’s “Stand With Women” commitment in support of women’s equal opportunity and single-sex spaces at 12 p.m. ET.
- Patrick Morrisey, West Virginia Attorney General and candidate for West Virginia governor
- Riley Gaines, Independent Women’s Voice Ambassador and 12x All-American Swimmer
WHAT: Stand With Women Ceremonial Signing & Press Conference
WHEN: Wednesday, April 24, at 12 p.m. ET
WHERE: Marriott , “Appalachian Room”, 200 Lee St E, Charleston, WV 25301
MEDIA RSVP: [email protected]
Words like ‘female’, ‘male’, ‘man’, and ‘woman’ are used thousands of times in state and federal law. Politicians are redefining these words and separating them from biology and their true meaning. When these sex-based words don’t have uniform, biological definitions, women pay the price.
By signing IWV’s Stand With Women Commitment, Attorney General Morrisey will promise to uphold legislation that is pro-woman, pro-science, will fight for policies that prevent sex discrimination and preserve women’s rights, safety, and opportunities.
As part of IWV’s Hope Agenda, the Stand With Women Commitment encourages candidates to define what a woman is and to stand with Americans on one of the most important issues that women, as well as independents, Hispanics, and younger Americans, care deeply about and want addressed.
Independent Women’s Voice fights for women by expanding support for policy solutions that aren’t just well intended, but actually enhance freedom, opportunities, and well-being.