WASHINGTON, D.C. Independent Women’s Voice (IWV) condemns the divisive and misleading political games being played by Sen. Chuck Schumer and the Senate Democrats with the broadly nonpartisan issue of safe, accessible, and affordable contraception. 

The misleadingly titled “Right to Contraception Act,” fails to mention that it is laced with unpopular and unrelated radical requirements, designed to prevent Republican votes, in order to manipulate and scare women into believing contraception is at risk. 

IWV urges Senators and members of Congress to reject this misleadingly titled bill and instead work to ensure access to the most modern, safe, and effective contraception for all women, which has broad tri-partisan support from Republican, Democrat, and Independent voters, according to recent polling by IWV and Kellyanne Conway and KAConsulting, LLC. 

Independent Women’s Voice CEO Heather R. Higgins today issued the following statement: 

“Contraception should be legal and widely accessible. Women should have over-the-counter access to birth control.  That would give women more control over their own healthcare decisions.

“It is really disappointing that the Left would take an issue on which there is near universal agreement—the importance of safe, legal, and accessible contraception—and misrepresent and misuse it. If this legislation were truly about expanding access to contraception, we would support it, as would most Americans, including Republican voters and political leaders. 

“Unfortunately, the Right to Contraception Act does nothing to improve women’s access to birth control or to make it more affordable. Among other things, this extreme bill could require doctors to sterilize minors, without parental knowledge or consent, and without a federal waiting period, simply because the minor believed that was what he or she wanted at that moment.

“Regrettably, many on the Left continue to peddle the false narrative that Republicans are working to restrict access to contraceptives as mere fodder for election ads. This is all in an effort to mislead women, tarnish republicans, and distract from high costs, shortages, a broken border and failing public schools. Women—and all Americans—deserve better.”



Independent Women’s Voice fights for women by expanding support for policy solutions that aren’t just well intended, but actually enhance freedom, opportunities, and well-being.