As a mom of two daughters with a granddaughter as well, making sure their opportunities are preserved is a top priority.
Yet New York’s Prop 1, on the ballot in four short weeks, seeks to reverse the gains women have fought so hard to achieve. By enshrining “gender identity” in the state constitution, Prop 1 ushers in a tidal wave of unfairness and discrimination against our daughters.
Educational, athletic, and career opportunities afforded to girls are in jeopardy as Prop 1 erases sex-based protections that acknowledge the uniqueness of our daughters.
October 11th is the International Day of the Girl Child, a day set aside to recognize girls’ rights and the challenges girls face worldwide. This year’s theme is “Girls’ Vision for the Future.”
A vision of hope and empowerment. A vision everyone should support for the future of our daughters.
Except in New York where the vision is dimmed as Prop 1 opens the door for boys to invade girls’ spaces. Stripping girls of basic rights to privacy and safety. Stealing their opportunities and scholarships. Displacing girls on sports teams. Restricting their choices and impacting their futures.
Every girl should have the opportunity to fulfill her potential.
But Prop 1 could limit that potential. Don’t let that happen. Their potential is limitless!
Take a stand for fairness and protect our daughters.
Say NO to Prop 1.
NY daughters are counting on you!