Let’s face it: welcoming a new child is hard work—and expensive. Many workers don’t have access to paid leave following the birth of adoption of a child, which causes new parents to have to make the tough choice between earning a paycheck or caring for their new child.
That’s why Independent Women’s Forum created Earned Leave—a simple, smart, and sensible solution to paid leave. The voluntary program helps workers who lack employer-backed paid parental leave benefits get the financial support they want and need—without raising taxes, growing the government, or hurting workers’ economic opportunities.
Earned Leave would give Americans the flexibility and freedom to use the benefits they have already earned through a program that already exists and that they already pay into (Social Security). It would offer new parents the opportunity to receive early Social Security benefits for parental leave in exchange for briefly delaying the collection of retirement benefits.
The program would not affect compensation, benefits, or the Social Security program for workers or retirees who are not interested in or eligible for the program. And it would keep women in the workforce and new parents off welfare.
It’s a win-win for all: women and families, employers and employees, as well as the economy and job market. But we need your help getting legislation moving to formally create the program.
Urge your representatives to support Earned Leave legislation. Use the form to contact your representatives via email, Twitter, and phone today.