Tatiana Posada returns to IWV as the Director of New Media. In 2005, Tatiana joined IWV as a Junior Fellow. Prior to rejoining IWV, Tatiana worked in the Administration of President George W. Bush as Press Aide to former U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez. As Press Aide, Tatiana was the liaison for Cuba Policy, Hispanic Issues, and Economic, Trade and Census Bureau issues. She was the press corp lead for the 2008 Americas Competitiveness Forum in Atlanta, GA and advanced official travel on a Co-Delegation with Members of Congress and Secretary Gutierrez to Colombia. Prior to that, Tatiana worked as the Confidential Assistant to Secretary Gutierrez.
In 2006, Tatiana worked for the National Republican Senatorial Committee in the area of fundraising, and interned on Capitol Hill for the Committee on House Administration.
Tatiana graduated from the University of Maryland in 2005 with a B.A. in Government and Politics, a minor in Communication and a Citation in Public Leadership.