
I have been a teacher since 1989, teaching in traditional schools, charter schools, and for the past four years, as a small business owner teaching middle school math to homeschooled students. Over the years, I had so many frustrations with everything from Common Core, under-prepared students, and standardized testing that I walked away from “the system” at the end of the 2015/2016 school year with the idea that I was done with teaching forever. It was my best friend, a parent with a child enrolled in a California charter school for homeschooling families, who suggested I try teaching math classes as a vendor for the charter schools. I began writing my own middle school math curriculum and teaching classes online. I am a vendor (independent contractor) for multiple homeschooling charters located in California. It is incredibly rewarding to be free of the restrictions that drove me crazy for decades. I have students who take my classes remedially (they are behind “grade level”) or as accelerated students (kids achieving above “grade level”). Math with Mrs. Fish isn’t a good fit for some students who have tried it, and that’s okay. But for many of my students, they are having success in math for the first time. EVERY child should have the opportunity to find what works best for their education.