We must REPEAL this recently enacted healthcare law that disregarded the will of the people, and then REPLACE it with genuine reforms that give control to patients and doctors, rather than bureaucrats; honor our traditions of freedom of choice and privacy; make medical care, and the practice of medicine, affordable; promote a system in which good and timely care is available to all our citizens; and encourage continued innovation and investment in the development of new medical treatments.
Therefore, I promise that, if elected, I do now and will in the next Congress endorse and vote for all measures, including discharge petitions, leading to the defunding, deauthorization, and repeal of the health care bill, HR 3590, signed into law on March 23, 2010, whether those votes are taken for the whole of the bill or those component parts that impose mandates, restrict patient and doctor choice and access, violate individual freedom and privacy, reduce healthy competition, increase costs, or raise taxes.
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